Why has the kalimba become popular | GECKO

Why has the kalimba become popular?Follow gecko kalimba to find out.

kalimba musical instruments

kalimba musical instruments

The thumb fiddle (or "mbira" in English: mbira) is a kind of African folk instrument with ethnic characteristics.In different African countries, the ThumbPiano is known by different names, such as Kalimba, the Kenyan name for the instrument, Mbira in Zimbabwe, Likembe in Congo, and Sanza and ThumbPiano.It got its name from the use of the thumb to pluck the thin plates (mainly wooden, bamboo, and in modern development, metal) on the body of the instrument.Traditional thumb harps use gourds to make resonators.

The main characteristics of kalimba popularity are as follows:

The product itself: compact and convenient, easy to carry;The sound is clear and pleasant, the sound is small and will not disturb others;The price is cheap, with those guqin, piano, violin and so on any one to the late investment cost will be higher than he;

Users themselves: simple operation, easy to play, curiosity feels fresh;

We Media Publicity: The popularity of this short video has led many players to upload their own audio music, which has gained popularity among some people. In addition, the implantation of various advertisements in the later period has increased a lot of attention heat.

17 keys kalimba

17 keys kalimba

The above content was compiled and posted by gecko kalimba.For more information about kalimba, please search "gecko-kalimba.com".

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Post time: Apr-14-2021
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