What is a kalimba | GECKO

What is a kalimba? You know what? Learn more about it with gecko kalimba.

1. What is kalimba?

The kalimba, also known as the thumb piano, is an African instrument that is common in sub-Saharan Africa.

The Kalimba, Mbira, KagagPiano, etc., are individual phones, specifically percussion instruments.

Kalimba is the Kenyan name for the instrument, Zimbabweans are known as Mbira, and Congolese are known as Likembe, Sanza, and Thumb.

It is mainly named after the sheet on the thumb - plucked piano (mostly made of wood and bamboo, but also made of metal in modern development) and the thumb - plucked piano.

2. The origin and evolution of kalimba

Kalimba originated in Africa. The first kalimba in West Africa, more than 3,000 years ago, was made of bamboo or trees. The use of iron bars began more than 1,000 years ago in the Zambezi River Valley.

It was said that the music played by the instrument could not only exorcise evil spirits from the sick but also pray for rain. As such, it is one of the most popular Musical Instruments in Zimbabwe.

3. Structure and materials of kalimba

Calamba is made of pieces of metal of different lengths fixed to aboard. The timbre of the instrument can be adjusted by adjusting the length of the metal sheet.

The longest pieces of metal are usually placed in the center of the instrument, while the shorter pieces (high notes) are arranged in order of length. Usually, both hands pick up the thumbs to play the piano, with the thumbs at the same time or take turns to play.

The sounding part of the thumb fiddle is made up of elastic metal bars of different lengths on the top and wood or gourd melon on the bottom as a soundbox.

Previously, these sheets were made from metal melted from ore. Now they are made from higher-quality steel. Thumb fiddles come in a variety of shapes and have different numbers of steel bars.

4. Kalimba music usage scene

The kalimba belongs to the types of instruments -- chords, wind-whistles, dermatophytes, and somatosophones.

The kalimba is mainly used for accompaniment singing, and the thumb piano is usually used for religious ceremonies or social events.

When playing, both hands hold the body of the piano and play with the thumb. When the thumb is pressed down and released, the steel plate vibrates to make a sound.

Some strings also have shells, soda bottle caps, and other objects on them to make a "hiss" sound at the same time, and to swing on the table to create a whirling effect, or to make a ringing sound like a tambourine plate to make a richer effect.

It is small and portable. At sunset, people gather around it to accompany singing or telling stories. Some natives would take it with them for entertainment when they traveled long distances.

The above is compiled and published by Kalimba. For more information on kalimba. You can search the gecko kalimba website "gecko-kalimba.com", please consult us!

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Post time: Apr-29-2021
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